yeah Sumit , I can also debug myHTML with no problem but this after
assigning it. What if you want to debug the code "e.toString()"
without assign it to a variable !

try this

        public void onModuleLoad() {
                Element e=RootPanel.get().getElement();
                //Do something ...

               //try to add a watch for "e.getString()"   it will NOT

On Aug 24, 7:28 pm, Sumit Chandel <> wrote:
> HiAladdin,
> I just debugged the following code snippet:
> public void onModuleLoad() {
>   Element e = DOM.getElementById("mydiv");
>   String myHTML = e.toString();
>   Window.alert(e.toString());
>   Window.alert(myHTML);
> }
> I was able to add a watch to the expression e.toString(), inspect the
> e.toString() assignment in the code snippet and inspect the myHTML variable.
> The alerts also both fired and displayed the same text ([object]). The
> element "mydiv" is a div that I defined in my host HTML page.
> Is there anything I'm missing to reproduce what you saw?
> Thanks,
> -Sumit Chandel
> On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Aladdin <> wrote:
> > Hi
> > I notice a bug in GWT / Eclipse if you have a this code
> > Element e = DOM.get... //Some element
> > Now try to add a watch to this
> > "e.getString()"
> > this is the error that I'm getting (in the Expression window)
> > Method "getString" with signature "()Ljava/lang/String;" is not
> > applicable on this object
> > I could do something like this
> > String myHTML=e.getString(); // then I can add a watch !
> > I can add a watch to "e" but not any sub methods !
> > is this a bug or I'm making something wrong ?
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