RPC Services do have timeouts, its just that by default they are set
to 0, which effectively means no timeout.

Here's what you can do to set timeouts on your services -

a) Create a custom RpcRequestBuilder, and set the desired timeout

public class MyRpcRequestBuilder extends RpcRequestBuilder {
    protected RequestBuilder doCreate(String serviceEntryPoint)
        RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder
(RequestBuilder.POST, serviceEntryPoint);
        return builder;

b) Set the custom RpcRequestBuilder immediately after your GWT.create
(..) call

//Can be a global object -- you don't have to create a new one
RpcRequestBuilder theBuilder = new MyRpcRequestBuilder();

MyServiceAsync service = GWT.create(MyService.class);
((ServiceDefTarget) service).setRpcRequestBuilder(theBuilder);

c) Use the service object to invoke methods as you normally do. In
your AsyncCallbacks onFailure(Throwable t), you can check

if (t instanceof RequestTimeoutException) {
  /// handle timeouts..

thats it.

On Sep 10, 11:00 am, And <and.bed.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I couldn't find a way to set a timeout in GWT RPC call. Am I missing
> something or this is done deliberately?
> This feature is essential if your client use the system in low quality
> network. Responses from the server might be lost sometimes and we
> don't want obviously to loose one of two active connections to the
> server.
> I see there is nice implementation of timeout (with abort on
> XmlHttpRequest) in RequestBuilder class, so any http request in GWT
> supports timeout. Why I cannot use timeout with RPC? It should be easy
> to implement because RPC uses RequestBuilder anyway (if I understand
> GWT code correctly).
> Did anybody cope with this issue?
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Many thanks,
> Andrzej Bednarz
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