I still recall an incredulous friend's exasperation: "I merely changed
the value of "X" and, inexplicably, a completely different thing, "Y",
now has a different value, too!"

An obscure side effect of the CSS cascade? No. FORTRAN COMMON blocks.

Here are two cases where I or those I know got burned by the CSS

1) A CSS rule attached to a img selector in a far-flung stylesheet
pushed all the images into strange positions.

Fix: a weird image tag padding rule was responsible. It was just a
mistake in the CSS and was simply removed.

2) A "table td" selector short-circuited font properties applied to
the table and intended to define the table-cells' font properties via

Fix: The problematic "table td" selector could not be easily changed,
so more specific styles were added directly to the table cells that
"beat out" the "table td" selector in the CSS cascade.

The exasperating thing was that, in each case, everything worked just
fine until, somewhere else, completely independent of the code that
worked fine in isolation, someone injected a seemingly innocuous CSS
snippet that short-circuited the previous CSS specs.


1) Have you been burned by such CSS cascade side effects? What got
you? How did you correct the problem?

2) Are there any strategies that, if they do not totally eliminate,
can at least minimize such problems? What works best for you?

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