That was it, nice catch. I didn't think the nocache.js was affected by
included modules, or I would have mentioned the dependency. I've
logged the issue w/ GQuery (Issue 28).

Thanks for your quick response, Thomas!

On Sep 12, 9:47 am, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> On 12 sep, 05:10, Kyle <> wrote:
> > Hi all, long time listener, first time caller.
> > My GWT app seems to have suddenly lost the ability to load in IE8
> > Standards mode. It seems as though a "Object does not support that
> > property or method" is thrown in my nocache.js's catch block,
> > immediately after the unflattenKeylistIntoAnswers calls. Because of
> > this exception (and the catch block's return statement) the nocache.js
> > load script never gets written, and my page just sits there. I've been
> > able to reproduce this with GWT 1.7 and 2.0 trunk. IE7 works fine, as
> > does IE8's quirks mode, but IE8's standards mode fails to load, every
> > time.
> > Offending code:
> >   providers[$intern_34] = function(){
> >     if (document.querySelectorAll && /native/.test
> > (document.querySelectorAll.toString())) {
> >       return $intern_35;
> >     }
> >     return $intern_36;
> >   }
> > Exception:
> >   document.querySelectorAll does not support the toString method
> > Any guidance or ideas for resolving this? Thanks in advance,
> It looks like a bug in GQuery (you're using GQuery, aren't you?)
> Suggestions:
>  1. first, report the issue
>  2. try overriding the <property-provider name="selectorCapability">
> with something like the following (it replaces the call to toString()
> with an implicit "stringification" using concatenation with the empty
> string; just copy the following in your own gwt.xml):
>     <property-provider name="selectorCapability">
>         <![CDATA[
>    if (document.querySelectorAll && /native/.test("" +
> document.querySelectorAll)) {
>       return "native";
>    }
>    return "js"
>      ]]>
>     </property-provider>
>  3. if it works, attach a patch to your issue 
> ;-)
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