nobody wants to help me?

On 9 sep, 23:28, dao <> wrote:
> hello,
> A very easy question for you web policy expert guys:
> I want to make an application that uses data from an external URL. It
> is an atom feed (could be an RSS one) from flickr. I just want to
> fetch some photos from my flickr account. The typical URL is
> feed://
> id=28208...@n00
> you can see that it is an different origin URL, so it is not applyable
> with GWT requestbuilder, isn't it 
> (see
> Therefore, what's the best practice to use those data in my GWT app? I
> did not catch if there is a workaround, if I have to use GWT an other
> way?
> I have nevertheless tried the request buider with this URL. I was
> surprised of the behaviour:
> response.getStatusCode() is 0 (why 0?, not an HTTP valid code, isn't
> it?
> response.getStatusText() is empty.
> response.getText() is empty.
> what does it mean? please give me a clue !!!
> below the piece of code I wrote:
> public FlickrFeedAnalyser(final String url, final
> FlexTableFillerCallback callback) {
>                 photos = new ArrayList<Photo>();
>                 RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder
> (RequestBuilder.GET,
> url);
>                 System.out.println(url);
>                 try {
>                         Request response = builder.sendRequest(null,
> new RequestCallback()
> {
>                                 public void onError(Request request,
> Throwable exception) {
>                                         System.out.println
> (exception);
>                                 }
>                                 public void onResponseReceived(Request
> request,
>                                                 Response response) {
>                                         Document feed = XMLParser.parse
> (response.getText());
>                                         if (response.getText().length()
> <10) {
>                                                 DialogBox error = new
> DialogBox();
>                                                 error.setText
> ("code:"+response.getStatusCode()+" -
> msg"+response.getStatusText());
>                                       ;
>                                         }
>                                         NodeList entries =
> feed.getElementsByTagName("entry");
>                                         if (entries.getLength()==0)
>                                                 System.out.println
> (feed);
>                                         for (int i = 0; i <
> entries.getLength(); i++) {
>                                                 photos.add(new Photo
> (entries.item(i)));
>                                         }
>                                         callback.callback(photos);
>                                 }
>                         });
>                 } catch (RequestException e) {
>                         System.out.println(e);
>                 }
>         }
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