Not sure if this helps or not, but it seems that when performing the
callback I don't have any access to member variables which are not
declared final (and can't access the parents variables at all if I use
an inner class).  This seems strange that I wouldn't be able to access
non final member variables from my class.  As a test I created a
simple string and initialize it's value to "blah", but whenever I
attempt to access it for the first time I get "undefined".  If I then
set the variable, the next time the event is thrown and the method is
called the value gets updated to what I set, but this initial
undefined state is an issue for me.  Are there any ways to work around
or fix this?

On Sep 14, 10:24 pm, JaM <> wrote:
> I previously posted about Shindig, when probably more appropriately I
> should have posted this question (sorry for the dup).
> I have successfully implemented acallbackin Java (using an
> interface) which is called from Javascript appropriately, but after
> doing so it seems something is not quite right (perhaps the scope, not
> really sure how to determine).  The issue is that I now get an error
> that says something like jV(this.a.a...) and it throws an error saying
> this.a is undefined.  The issue only happens when I am trying to
> access instance variables inside my java code.  If I do not access
> instance variables everything works fine, which leads me to believe it
> may be a scoping issue.  Is there a general rule of thumb for how to
> do this correctly in GWT?  Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
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