Man, I must have been tired last night.   I could have sworn that i'd
tried that.  Oh well, it's working now. Thanks a ton.


On Sep 20, 5:49 am, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> On 20 sep, 09:18, Trevis <> wrote:
> > I have a suggestbox with a custom oracle.  In some instances i would
> > like to be able to automatically cause the suggestions to pop up just
> > by the user setting focus to the suggestbox for instance.
> > I figure that i should be able to use a FocusHandler to do that part
> > but how do convince the thing to request data?
> > I tried getting the oracle and calling the requestSuggestions method
> > but what do i pass to it? The callback function is the problem.  I
> > need a call back that will actually populate the suggestion list.
> > Am I going about this the wrong way?
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> New to GWT 1.6 were SuggestBox#showSuggestionList() and
> SuggestOracle#requestDefaultSuggestions() which will help you do
> exactly what you want.
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