Hi All,

This is my requirement  i have a grid with where i need to

1) show an approve anchor tag foir each row
2) clicking on which will open up a dialog box.

The way i am doing it is instead of using a Anchor widget i am doing
an inline html

dataTable.setHTML(liRows, liColumnIndex, "<a href='javascript:{}'
class='gwt-Anchor' id='approve_"+liRows+"'  gridtype
="+APPROVE_WORKLIST+" dataindex="+liRows+">Approve1</A>");

I have added a listener to this

Event.addNativePreviewHandler(new newHandler(this))

within this handler i will

          Element loAnchor = DOM.getElementById("approve_"+fiDataIndex);
        Anchor loAnchorWidget =Anchor.wrap(loAnchor);

The Anchor.wrap files with the following message " A widget that has
an an existing parent widget may not be added to the detach list".

which is coming from RootElements detachOnWindowClose method. The
question is

1) Am i doing anything wrtong here? I should be able to create a
widget by using Wrap method correct?

If i change this code and instead of setHtml do this

Anchor loAnchor =new Anchor("Approve");

liColumnIndex, loAnchor);

It works fine, meaning the .wrap does not give me any issues.

Please let me know if anyone has faced a similar issue
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