I've been using GWT for over 2 years now for developing large scale
web applications, and think it's a fantastic toolkit for doing clean,
browser-independent development.  However, there is one conspicuous
place where it does not meet its stated goals, where I incidentally
spend an inordinate amount of time fiddling/guessing/cursing, and that
is in layout.

I've used many different layout frameworks over the years, but never
had such issues.  A good layout framework has a few simple properties,
which include:
   - Platform (browser) independence
   - A few straightforward concepts for setting absolute (px),
relative (%), aligned, content-based, user, and overflow sizing
relations between parent and child widgets
   - Layout relations independent of the child/parent/grandparent
widget type
   - Predictable, consistent resize behavior

GWT's layout scheme has practically none of these, instead providing
lightweight wrappers around html table/div/whatever elements and
leaving the developer to puzzle over how to get what they want, and
hope it works across browsers.  Html on its own was not designed to
deal with sophisticated layout, but is now being co-opted to do so.

A simple case; a multi-paned application that fits exactly the browser
window height (no browser scrollbars).  Depending on the combination
of which hierarchical layout elements, content-containing child
widgets, and browser are used, over-large content might overflow the
whole application outside the browser window size, overflow the local
content pane (clipping it), or, if I get lucky, create the proper
scrollbars around the content.

You might say, well show me your particular problem, oh use layout
widget X instead of Y because it uses table not div.  But that's not
the point.  In a toolkit as sophisticated as GWT, I don't believe I
should have to understand all the hackey nuances of html in order to
design a well-laid out application.  Furthermore, it actually inhibits
good software design practice.  I can't swap in a rich text for a text
widget and know it's going to lay out the same.

So, is such a goal even possible?  Am I the only one who sees the
value in this?  As I am not a cross-browser html guru, I don't even
know for sure whether a real layout framework can be designed.
However if it is, GWT with its browser-dependent compilation provides
an ideal way to do so.  Tables? Divs? Spans? Resize handlers?  I don't
care, as long as it works right!  A few such html guru developers who
really understand the differences could thus save everyone enormous
amounts of time and effort.  And in the end, isn't that why we have

If this is seen as useful, I would gladly take up the charge to come
up with a detailed proposal.

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