Hi all.

I am experiencing the dreaded "was not serializable and has no
concrete serializable subtypes" error in GWT... but... it's not the
typical issue... promise.

The class failing the 'IsSerializable' test is a member class inside
another IsSerializable class.... i.e. (using a dummy example):

public class Outer implements IsSerializable {
    public class Inner implements IsSerializable {
        public Inner(){}
    private Inner myInner = new Inner();
    public Outer() {}

Technically, in Java reflection terms, the Inner Class's constructor
has a single parameter, the instance of the Outer class that the Inner
is to be instantiated in..... but, it is still a 'no-argument-
constructor' ... right?

If I change the Inner class to be declared as 'static' (public static
class Inner .....) then RPC works fine.

My particular case is somewhat more complex, and the prospect of
having to externalize the inner class is messy... Am I missing
something about IsSerializable, or is it not possible to have an
IsSerializable Member Class?

Thanks in advance...


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