
I implemented my own dragable panel widget for GWT and have some
problems. I already searched this group using some keywords but could
not find anything.

Inside my test environment, such panels are added to a DockPanel.
I then use addStyleName(...) in the on-click-down-handler to change
the style in such a way that my dragable (which extends SimplePanel)
is absolutely positionable during dragging : { position:absolute; z-
index:100; } .
I remove that style-name after the drag-operation and because of that,
it "flips" back to the position where I started dragging it (which I
want it to do).

The problem: If I drag one of my panels, it afterwards
a) in hosted mode receives all mouse-events instead of those which are
in it's area - result: Me being confused about not being able to click
any menu-buttons (for example "reload") in the hosted browser anymore!
This stops after I refocus the window.
b) in Firefox 2 receives all events in the area where the dragable has
previously been when i stopped dragging. At least I assume that, I did
not check this scientifically till now, but it's definitely the wrong
area :(

The mouse-listeners of GWT I use are: MouseDownHandler, MouseUpHandler
and MouseMoveHandler.
I test on Windows XP using GWT 1.7.0 (eclipse plugin) and JDK 1.6.0.

The click-events seem not to be chosen directly by the browser-engine
(by using onClick as an attribute of the clickable element), but from
some mouse-observing feature in GWT.
I of course can check manually if the event really occured inside the
widget, but then it's still buggy in the hosted browser (all mouse-
click events for the browser will be sent to my widget) and all the
events being sent around make me wonder if GWT's mouse-observing
engine (it seems to use such) is so very effective ;)

Hope somebody can help me with this!

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