Hi Jason,

> required for hosted mode and otherwise makes deploying the compiled GWT code
Hmmmm... nevery thought about that... ... If that's the case, I
probable need it as wel...
To be honest, I don't exactly what the HostedMode is doing with it...

Thanks for the answer about the Derived Resources...
I just played with it, but noticed that the "Derives Resources"
checkbox doesn't make any difference...  That is, with CTR-SHIFT-R un/
checking the Derived Resources will still show the war output
resources that were copied from the public source gwt folder :(...

Any idea's how to exclude this?

On Sep 28, 4:59 pm, Jason Parekh <jasonpar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Ed,
> Out of curiosity, how come you don't need the war folder?  I thought it was
> required for hosted mode and otherwise makes deploying the compiled GWT code
> much easier.
> Re: the search issue, can you provide a little more detail?  We fixed a
> similar issue in the 
> pasthttp://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=3638&can....
>  Could you provide steps to reproduce the behavior you're seeing?
> Re: duplicate files, thanks for pointing this out -- it hadn't occurred to
> me.  There's talk in that bug about marking everything in the GWT output
> folder as derived, which would help this problem since the Ctrl-Shift-T and
> Ctrl-Shift-R dialogs have a checkbox for "Showing derived resources" (via
> the dropdown arrow in the upper-right).  For now, you can use working sets
> to exclude the war folder.  Do a Ctrl-Shift-R, click that arrow in the
> upper-right, choose Select working set, click New, select the projects minus
> the war folder.
> Thanks,
> jason
> On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 11:16 AM, Ed <post2edb...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > How is it possible to disable/turn off the creation/filling of the war
> > directoy that is done by the HostedMode and can be controlled by the -
> > war switch?
> > I don't use it and it's very enoying in eclipse.
> > Now it will put his files in the target/war folder. This folder has to
> > be relative to work nicely in a team/version control environment.
> > But, Eclipse doesn't like that this folder is being filled directly,
> > so everytime when searching a text it will tell you that the project
> > isn't in sync with the file system :(...
> > And worse: you can easily find the wrong file as eclipse will find two
> > files: the original and the duplicate one that is copied by the
> > HostedMode. For example: xml content files that are part of your gwt
> > project...This leads to bugs :(...
> > In eclipse it's not impossible to exclude this folder as part of the
> > project...:(
> > I tried several things, but don't mange to get this working nicely..
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