Thanks for the tip.
I tried it and it works - I only needed to link to the GreetingClient
source folder and not to the others.
After that I could compile and run the app in hosted mode using
eclipse buttons and not just from the build file.

I have two problems with this solution:
1. Subversive is shouting over duplicate resources which is very
annoying - couldn't take the warnings down.
    Subversive also shouts about a "" file to be checked
in under a classes folder - weird.
2. The link I created is hard coded (to my computer) and everyone
trying to create a project, separated into a client server
environment, will have to relink the folder.
    I tried using a variable, but the variable is stored in the
workspace and not in the project, thus anyone trying to use this
environment layout will need to redefine the variable.
    Jason, what you suggested is much more elegant than the symbolic
link I tried at first because it is the eclipse way, but as I said, it
still has the same "hardcodedness" problem.

Does anyone know how to solve the 2 problems above in order for the
environment to be more complete?


On Sep 28, 4:45 pm, Jason Parekh <> wrote:
> Hi Alik,
> Thanks for setting this up!
> Here's a tip to get Eclipse to work cleanly with your layout:
> - Click on your "Greeting" project, choose "Properties", go to "Java Build
> Path", "Source" tab, and "Link Source".  Choose the src folder for e.g.
> GreetingClient and name it something like src-client.  Repeat for
> GreetingServer and GreetingShared.
> - Then, while in the "Greeting" project properties, go to "Google" on the
> side bar and "Web Toolkit".  Make sure the only Entry point module is the
> GreetingClient (not the GreetingShared)
> This should let you run hosted mode, do a GWT compile, and/or deploy to
> AppEngine from Eclipse.
> jason
> On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 7:56 PM, kilaka <> wrote:
> > Finally succeeded.
> > Don't know what happened before, but now it works - through ant
> > (eclipse's build in compiling isn't working).
> > I created a 4 project development environment:
> > - GreetingShared?
> >  Contains the shared interfaces which the client invokes and the
> > server implements.
> > - GreetingServer?
> >  Contains server code, like persistence and logic.
> > - GreetingClient?
> >  Contains GWT client code thay compiles to JS.
> > - Greeting
> >  Contains the deployment folders - the war.
> > The 4 projects are located in:
> >
> > I hope to make it a development environment template for client-server
> > development.
> > - Need to get the project name and package as parameters
> > - Need to see how to add persistence annotation to classes (the UI
> > should not see them)
> > - Perhaps Move html and css to client project and Move server files
> > (jdo) files to the server project? Perhaps keep configuration files in
> > the deployment project?
> > - etc. (more client-server separation)
> > --Alik
> > On Sep 23, 10:56 am, kilaka <> wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > GWT enables. among other things, the use of the same classes inclient
> > > andservercode.Clientcode is compiled to JavaScript andservercode to Java
> > byte-
> > > code.
> > > My problem is:
> > > If a GWT application is developed in one eclipse project - bothclient
> > > andserver,clientcode can directly invokeservercode and vice versa.
> > > The recommendation to help from making such a mistake is to use a
> > > package convention:
> > > - com.same.clientforclientcode and
> > > - com.sample.serverforservercode
> > > This is not sufficient enough, for such mistake may still happen -
> > > especially when the eclipse adds imports automatically to the head of
> > > file in the imports section which is folded by default, causing you
> > > not to notice the package name.
> > > Also, there are classes that are shared by both theserverand theclient,
> > like the Greetings interface(clientuses andserver
> > > implements). Where does it goes?
> > > I tried creating a working development environment with 3 projects:
> > > -Client
> > > -Server
> > > - Shared
> > > It was very complicated and needed a symbolic link from Shared toclient-
> > for the compilation to JavaScript.
> > > Does anyone feels the need as I am?
> > > Did anyone create such a "hello world" development environment?
> > > Thanks,
> > >  Alik.
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