Hi Michael,

There is a project for client side cryptography (I help maintain it)
that is a TripleDES implementation.  It's here:


As far as your other questions, I imagine you could write an smtp
server in GWT, but what would the point be?  GWT runs as javascript
inside the browser, so it couldn't really attach to a port to listen
for email.


On Aug 27, 7:33 am, Jambi <michael.lukaszc...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hej folks, i´m a computerscience student from germany and I have some
> questions about the GWT. I can tell that i´m a newbie in GWT and my
> java skills aren´t that good, too. But I want to know if there´s
> possible to set up something like an smtp server for email support in
> gwt? How can I realize that? Is there maybe a tutorial? (still
> learning ;)..) I would run the app on the app-engine... And how about
> the client sideencryptionin gwt? I heard that there is no nativeencryptionin  
> gwt, but how to realize that? with https? A tutorial
> would be nice here too ;). It would help me a lot if someone could
> give me some answers.
> greets, Michael
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