I create User Defined Libraries GWT_DEV and GWT_USER so the classpath  
and project point to those names, and on each platform those libraries  
are configured to point to that actual jar files.

On Sep 30, 2009, at 11:52 AM, Mary-Anne Wolf wrote:

> I am contributing to an Open Source project that uses GWT.
> The primary developer works on Windows.
> I work on Linux and OSX.
> We are both using Eclipse.
> I am hoping to keep the code common.
> The .launch configuration and the Project classpath currently
> reference gwt-dev-windows.jar,
> which clearly does not work on non-windows platforms.
> I assume that there must be a common way this situation is handled.
> Should I remove gwt-dev-windows.jar from the classpath of the Project?
> Should I use a variable to define it?
> Should we have a separate .launch file for each platform?
> Is there a way to tell a single .launch file to do different things
> for each platform?
> I am surprised that this question is not addressed in a FAQ somewhere.
> Or have I just not found it yet?
> Thanks,
> Mary-Anne
> >

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