I am trying to add a jar into the Stockwatcher project found in the
tutorial but I am getting the message:
[ERROR] Line 48: No source code is available for type
org.apache.commons.math.util.MathUtils; did you forget to inherit a
required module?
when trying to run it.

The jar I used is http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/commons-math/commons-math
and I only use this jar to test if it works to add a self contained
jar into a GWT project. I selected Stockwatcher in eclipse and
selected "Build Path"-> "Configure Build Path" from the context menu
and selected "Libraries" tab and thereafter pressed the "Add External
JARs" button to add the jar.

This makes me wonder how it all works, can I not add external jar
files to a GWT project unless I have the source code or am I doing it
wrong, have googled and seen that some are talking about modifying the
<project>.gwt.xml file but I don't see that file in the Stockwatcher

I have also read that I can't add a service layer jar which I also
were planning. Apparently I need to communicate with a service layer
via RPC and I can't use annotations in my DTO classes which troubles
me since I want to use hibernate. Is this still true in the latest
version of GWT and can explain why or point out some documentation I
should read to understand this better, thanks!

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