Hi all,

i'm trying to execute this method:
public static native void showUploadPopup(String sendButton,
ConfirmCallback cb) /*-{
        $wnd._nativeExtensions = false;
        var html='<input type=\"file\" name=\"upload\" id=\"upload\" size=
\"40\"><br><div align=\center\"><input type=\'button\' style=\"width:
65;height:25\" value='+sendButton+' onclick=\"res=$doc.getElementById
(\'upload\'); hideBox(res) \" /> </div>';
        $wnd.Modalbox.show(html, {title: false});
        $wnd.hideBox = function (res){
                $wnd.Modalbox.hide({afterHide: function(btnID)

but the result is that $doc is not defined!

Why? $doc and $wnd should be initialized automatically...

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