
Sounds like it may be

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Chris Ramsdale <cramsd...@google.com>wrote:

> Are you trying to install the plugin via the Eclipse->Help->Install New
> Software menu item? If so, what site URL are you using and where in
> installation process are you receiving the error?
> - Chris
> On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 8:36 AM, Sebastian Hoberg <
> sebastian.hob...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> when I try to install the Google Plugin and GWT-SDK I get the
>> following error messages:
>> eclipse.buildId=I20090611-1540
>> java.version=1.6.0_16
>> java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
>> BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=de_DE
>> Command-line arguments:  -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86
>> Error
>> Mon Oct 12 14:25:50 CEST 2009
>> Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could
>> not be found.
>> Error
>> Mon Oct 12 14:25:50 CEST 2009
>> Software currently installed: Google Web Toolkit SDK 1.7.1
>> 1.7.1.v200909221731
>> (com.google.gwt.eclipse.sdkbundle.e35.feature.feature.group
>> 1.7.1.v200909221731)
>> Error
>> Mon Oct 12 14:25:50 CEST 2009
>> Cannot satisfy dependency:
>> Error
>> Mon Oct 12 14:25:50 CEST 2009
>> To: bundle com.google.gwt.eclipse.core 0.0.0
>> Error
>> Mon Oct 12 14:25:50 CEST 2009
>> From: Google Web Toolkit SDK for Win32 1.7.1.v200909221731
>> (com.google.gwt.eclipse.sdkbundle.win32 1.7.1.v200909221731)
>> Error
>> Mon Oct 12 14:25:50 CEST 2009
>> To: com.google.gwt.eclipse.sdkbundle.win32 [1.7.1.v200909221731]
>> Error
>> Mon Oct 12 14:25:50 CEST 2009
>> From: Google Web Toolkit SDK 1.7.1 1.7.1.v200909221731
>> (com.google.gwt.eclipse.sdkbundle.e35.feature.feature.group
>> 1.7.1.v200909221731)
>> Error
>> Mon Oct 12 14:25:50 CEST 2009
>> To: bundle com.google.gdt.eclipse.core 0.0.0
>> Error
>> Mon Oct 12 14:25:50 CEST 2009
>> From: Google Web Toolkit Plugin 1.1.1.v200909221731
>> (com.google.gwt.eclipse.core 1.1.1.v200909221731)
>> Error
>> Mon Oct 12 14:25:50 CEST 2009
>> To: bundle org.eclipse.wst.xml.core 0.0.0
>> Error
>> Mon Oct 12 14:25:50 CEST 2009
>> From: Google Core Plugin 1.1.1.v200909221731
>> (com.google.gdt.eclipse.core 1.1.1.v200909221731)
>> Error
>> Mon Oct 12 14:25:50 CEST 2009
>> Missing requirement: Structured Source XML Model 1.1.308.v200905060217
>> (org.eclipse.wst.xml.core 1.1.308.v200905060217) requires 'bundle
>> com.ibm.icu [3.8.1,4.0.0)' but it could not be found
>> Error
>> Mon Oct 12 14:25:50 CEST 2009
>> Software currently installed: Google Web Toolkit SDK 1.7.1
>> 1.7.1.v200909221731
>> (com.google.gwt.eclipse.sdkbundle.e35.feature.feature.group
>> 1.7.1.v200909221731)
>> What's the problem here, does anybody have any advice?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Sebastian
> >

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