Could you take a look at your eclipse .log file and see what errors are
there?  You can find it in your WORKSPACE_DIR/.metadata/.log.
On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 11:51 AM, francescoNemesi <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am using Eclipse 3.3.2, this morning I updated the Google eclipse
> plugin to 1.1.2.v200910130758 and I have a problem. Eclipse does not
> build my Google (I only GWT) projects anymore. It behaves as if it
> builds the project, does not give any error, but there no .class files
> in my classes  output folder. I think the build does not even start
> because my "problems" view in Eclipse is not showing anything and I
> know I should a few warnings in it...
> I have already tried to open/close the project, stop/start Eclipse,
> physically delete the classes folder, but to no avail...
> Can anyone please help? I am really stuck and abviously I have a
> deadline for Mondayot deliver a project.
> Thanks for any help,
> Francesco
> >


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