Thank you very much for the quick reply. Sorry, I should have added
one more step:

6. Now go back and run testapp1 again.

By the way, the 404 is not on the HTML, but rather the css and default
RPC service generated on new web app project (as visible in the GWT
log window). This occurs regardless of run configurations. I have even
manually created run configurations and it doesn't help. Running each
of the projects a couple of times will replicate this and once it
happens, only one of the projects won't work.

I also found that this issue spans workspaces. Therefore, if the
plugin has an idea of an html name that belongs to a project and you
switch workspaces this still occurs. I will manually execute the
hosted browser via ant scripts and see if I can determine whether it's
a plugin issue or a hosted mode issue.

If the source was available for the plugin, I'd find the issue
myself :-)


On Oct 22, 10:55 am, Keith Platfoot <> wrote:
> Hi Chad,
> I tried to repro this with Eclipse 3.4.2 and GWT 1.7.1 using the latest
> Eclipse plugin (1.1.2), but was not able to trigger a 404.  I tested on both
> Windows and Ubuntu.
> Just to verify that I followed the right sequence: I created two projects,
> renamed the HTML page in each war directory to 'index.html' and then ran
> each (one at a time, of course) by right-clicking each HTML file and
> selecting Run As -> Web Application.  Each application started up in hosted
> mode as expected.  If I then open the launch configurations dialog, I see 2
> new launch configurations, each named after the HTML page I launched from:
> 'index.html' and 'index.html (1)'.
> The first thing to check is your launch configurations dialog, to make sure
> you also have 2 newly-generated configurations, each with the correct
> project association and the right available modules (in the GWT tab).  If
> not, try creating a second launch configuration by hand pointing to the
> other project and retry your test by selecting the saved launch
> configurations via the toolbar menu instead of using the Run As -> Web
> Application menu item.
> Let me know what you find,
> Keith
> On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 5:24 PM, cretz <> wrote:
> > I am posting here before I post an issue to the tracker to see if
> > anyone has run across it. I am using Eclipse 3.4.2, but I doubt it's
> > specific to an Eclipse version. Basically, if you have two unrelated
> > Web Application projects in the same workspace that have the same HTML
> > filename then running as a Web Application will use the previously run
> > one instead of the project you right clicked on.
> > To replicate:
> > 1. Create a Web Application project named 'testapp1'
> > 2. Create a Web Application project named 'testapp2'
> > 3. Run each (one at a time of course) to make sure they run
> > 4. Rename testapp1/war/testapp1.html to index.html, then run it as a
> > Web Application
> > 5. Rename testapp2/war/testapp2.html to index.html, then run it as a
> > Web Application
> > It will attempt to run w/ testapp1's classpath and server resources
> > which cause a 404. Can anyone else replicate this issue before I open
> > a bug? Has anyone seen or reported this issue before?
> > Thanks
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