Hi Darin:

After re-reading your first post, I think you're already in a client-server
environment. I am confused by the following:
> I am running Windows XP and using Apache as my http server. Any ideas for
where I should put the native library so
> that the Javascript can find it?

Your Apache installation probably doesn't run Java
I think the reason it works in hosted mode is that your hosted mode server
is a Java server: Tomcat.

On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Jeff Chimene <jchim...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Darin <daring90...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, Jeff.
>> Thank you so much for responding to my question.
>> Perhaps I'm getting confused by the jargon. The "SolverLibrary" that I
>> wrote is written in C/C++ and compiled by Visual Studio into a DLL.
>> This DLL is supposed to be run only on the server. The GWT code was
>> written in Eclipse and follows essentially the documentation on the
>> GWT web site. At the moment, the C/C++ DLL is only checking whether a
>> username and password sent it by the client exists within a file on
>> the server (nothing fancy; there is no reason to do this in C/C++
>> other than to see if it will work) though I have plans to make much
>> more complicated native functions once I get this to work. I am not
>> sure where the "classpath" is. There is an environment variable in
>> Windows called the "PATH"; is that what you mean? I do call the
>> library via RPC. The calling code is as follows (written in Java in
>> Eclipse using GWT):
>> public class SecurityServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet
>> implements SecurityService {
>>        private static NativeCodeClass nativeCode=new NativeCodeClass();
>>        private CompressClass compression=new CompressClass();
>>        @Override
>>        public CompressedMessage validatePassword(CompressedMessage m) {
>>                String message=compression.Decompress(m);
>>                String username=message.substring(0,message.indexOf(','));
>>                String password=message.substring(message.indexOf(',')
>> +1,message.length());
>>                String returnString=nativeCode.validatePassword(username,
>> password);
>>                CompressedMessage
>> replyMessage=compression.Compress(returnString);
>>                return replyMessage;
>>        }
>> }
>> Again, thanks for your help. Any other suggestions would be welcome.
>> Best, Darin
>> All the above has to run on the server (because it uses classes defined in
> SolverLibrary). You'll want to modify the above to handle requests from your
> client for solver library routines. The code you've posted so far will only
> run as Javascript on the client when SolverLibrary exists as Javascript;
> which condition is not true. The above code will run (as Java) on the client
> in Hosted mode (because SolverLibrary will be loaded by the Java run-time in
> Hosted mode); which is no good for what you want in the Long Run.
> On Nov 3, 7:27 am, Jeff Chimene <jchim...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Darin:
>> >
>> > There is one other possibility. You mention that you "... tested the
>> > compiled code (including the native
>> > code) inside the Mozilla browser and it also runs as it should."
>> >
>> > What's happening is that the Java run-time is able to load and run your
>> > library in hosted mode. But, that doesn't mean that you can compile this
>> > library to Javascript. Try putting the library into the classpath,
>> modify
>> > your code to instantiate whatever classes you need, and compile (rather
>> than
>> > run in hosted mode). You cannot use LoadLibrary on the client side:
>> there is
>> > no Java runtime.
>> >
>> > On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 4:37 PM, Darin <daring90...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > > Hello.
>> >
>> > > I have written a GWT project that uses native code. The class that
>> > > calls the code looks like this:
>> >
>> > > public class NativeCodeClass {
>> > >        static {
>> > >                System.loadLibrary("SolverLibrary");
>> > >        }
>> > >        public native String validatePassword(String username, String
>> > > password);
>> > > }
>> >
>> > > When I compile and run this inside of Eclipse (hosted mode), the
>> > > native code runs (assuming that I uncheck the "Use Google App Engine")
>> > > just fine. I have also tested the compiled code (including the native
>> > > code) inside the Mozilla browser and it also runs as it should.
>> > > Unfortunately, when I deploy my code to the server, the Javascript
>> > > does not seem to be able to find my native library (SolverLibrary)
>> > > even though the Javascript is definitely working. I have tried copying
>> > > the library to every conceivable location that I could think of but
>> > > have thus far failed. I am running Windows XP and using Apache as my
>> > > http server. Any ideas for where I should put the native library so
>> > > that the Javascript can find it?
>> >
>> > > Disclaimer: I am a definite newbie with GWT and a mathematician by
>> > > trade. If I am doing something outrageously stupid, I apologize for
>> > > wasting everyone's time, but please let me know what I'm doing wrong
>> > > so that I don't wind up smashing my computer and scaring my son.
>> > > Thanks, Darin
>> >>

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