My css background images are not working though. May be there is a
different way to use background images in GWT 2.

On Nov 9, 3:42 pm, shahid <> wrote:
> Thank you Thomas. Putting @external next (left) to the style solved
> the problem :) regards shahid
> On Nov 9, 3:30 pm, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> > On Nov 9, 4:13 pm, shahid <> wrote:
> > > I have a GWT 1.7 application and I want to upgrade it to GWT 2
> > > Milestone 2. The application uses 2 big external CSS files. In GWT 1.7
> > > I had a public folder and put both the CSS files in the folder and my
> > > application compiled and worked fine. Now for GWT 2 I have created a
> > > ResourceBundle class and put all image sprites and CSS as follows:
> > >     public interface ResourceBundle extends ClientBundle {
> > >         public static final ResourceBundle INSTANCE = GWT.create
> > > (ResourceBundle.class);
> > >         @Source("com/web/tech/public/stylesheet1.css")
> > >         public Css stylesheet1();
> > >         @Source("com/web/tech/public/stylesheet2.css")
> > >         public Css stylesheet2();
> > >         @Source("com/docobo/keswick/keswickweb/public/images/
> > > organisnew.gif")
> > >         public ImageResource add_org();
> > >     .....
> > >     }
> > > The Css class is an empty class extending CssResource :
> > >     public interface Css extends CssResource{
> > >     }
> > > Then in my onModuleLoad() I use :
> > >     StyleInjector.inject(ResourceBundle.INSTANCE.stylesheet1().getText
> > > ());
> > >     StyleInjector.inject(ResourceBundle.INSTANCE.stylesheet2().getText
> > > ());
> > > When I compile I get the following error:
> > >          Rebinding
> > > com.docobo.keswick.keswickweb.client.ClientResources.ResourceBundle
> > >                 Invoking <generate-with
> > > class=''
> > >  /
> > >                    Creating assignment for gxt_gray()
> > >                       Replacing CSS class names
> > >                          [ERROR] The following unobfuscated classes
> > > were present in a strict CssResource:
> > >                             [ERROR] x-tab-scroller-left
> > >                             [ERROR] x-tab-strip-disabled
> > >                             [ERROR] ......loads of other styles
> > >     Fix by adding String accessor method(s) to the CssResource
> > > interface for obfuscated classes, or using an @external declaration
> > > for unobfuscated classes.
> > > Following the above instruction when I use @external above all my
> > > style classes inside the CSS file I get the following error :
> > It's not to be used "above", as a Java5 annotation; 
> > see
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