i'm not 100% sure how this works, but will throw it out there in case
somebody knows or can figure it out.

the idea of a hot key was floated for my web app.  on a forum a guy
offered to create browser plugins for my app that would be able to
capture function keys.  here's some of the info he sent:

"For the suggestion of having a hotkey... if you expose a function to
do this in the pages javascript I can create Opera, FireFox, and IE
plugins for the site to provide this functionality."

"The principal works this way though, just as you embed a flash player/
movie into a website. You’d, for example, have this code embedded:

<embed type=”application/appname-hotkey”>

                And voila! The plugin is now integrated with that
page! So with the plugin now embedded, I could expose some functions
for you to set what hotkeys are associated to JavaScript functions. So
for example you’d then have this code:

<embed type=”application/appname-hotkey” id=”appname-hotkey”>


 var plugin = document.getElementById(‘appname-hotkey’);

 plugin.setHotKey(“F5”, “nextStep”);

 plugin.setHotKey(“F4”, “prevStep”);


That way whenever F4 or F5 are hit by themselves, they will go to the
next step and previous step respectively. This could integrate with
your back-end by allowing users to set their hot key preferences when
they login. The other perk is that you can easily embed detection if
the plugin is loaded, and if it isn’t do nothing. That way if the
plugin isn’t installed the page will behave as normal."

Anybody know anything about creating browser plugins?

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