Thanks for the reply Thomas. This fixed my IE tree issue.

However, I now find that attempting to use a GWT application with
Firefox (3.5.3) through the Firepass server fails completely.
This is even with the simplest GWT application e.g.

package det.networks.derboard.client;


public class Derboard implements EntryPoint {

        // Application entry point
        public void onModuleLoad()
                Label l = new Label("Test");

Firefox chokes on this with a 'Error: F5_RewriteBufferFragment is not
defined' in the error window.

This exact same code runs fine through Firepass in IE7, IE8, Opera 10,
Chrome 4.0.245

Does anyone have any idea how to go about fixing this? I'm rather

Line: 1
On Nov 7, 12:15 pm, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> On 6 nov, 02:54, frostw <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am developing a GWT application that HAS to work via an F5 Firepass
> > reverse proxy.
> > Unfortunately, whilst the majority of the application works correctly,
> > the Tree widget does not. The "+" and "-" images do not appear. The F5
> > attempts to rewrite the GWT scripts and makes a terrible mess of the
> > data URI images used in the tree (I am using my own svn trunk build of
> > GWT).
> > Is there a simple way to disable the use of inline images and use
> > normal URL references in the Tree?
> You can add the following to your gwt.xml:
>   <set-property name="ClientBundle.enableInlining" value="false" />
> See


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