I agree with you Cristiano. If some can throw light on the panels get
minimized to toolbar it would be great.
I think atleast we should have more complex Demo bundled with GWT.
Though Kitchen Sink takes into account all Widget but a Wave like Demo
would definitely make sense.

On Nov 17, 7:01 pm, Cristiano <cristiano.costant...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree with Nathan,
> but I would like know how to achieve the same layout of google wave.
> But for me, it is enough to know which panels the have used and how
> they do manage the "minimize" to "toolbar" of the panels.
> Any info available on that?
> Bye!
> > See this blog for a good run-down of the toolkit vs. framework
> > discussion:
> >http://www.bit-101.com/blog/?p=2358
> > On Nov 17, 2:32 am, Kango_V <djb.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I too would love to have a look at the wave ui source code as it seems
> > > to be exactly the style of app i'd like to write.
> > > We need to turn GWT from a toolkit to a framework.
> > > On Nov 17, 7:16 am, Allahbaksh <a.allahba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Hi GWT Team,
> > > > I noticed that Bruce has created a page GWT 2.0 RC. But I am not able
> > > > to find GWT 2.0 RC1. Is is due on 17th early morning?
> > > > Bruce one more request if Google guys can open Google Wave UI Source
> > > > code then it would great. That is amazingly fast application with all
> > > > functionality which I would desire in any great web application.
> > > > Regards,
> > > > Allahbaksh


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