
I've finished my GWT application and I'd like to deploy it in tomcat. I've
read a bunch of "tutorials" about this but I can't figure out how to do it.
I've done the following things:

- I compiled my application.
- In the tomcat/webapps I created a <project-name> directory.
- Then I copied the content of the <project-name>/war directory into the
tomcat/webapps/<project-name> directory. The <project-name>/war directory
./images (this contains the resources for the style sheets)
./<project-name> (this contains several .cache.html files etc)
./Web-inf (this contains web.xml, classes and lib directories, the lib
contains the gwt-servler.jar)
<project-name>.css and <project-name>.html

After this I started tomcat and tried the following URL:
.../<project-name>/<project_name>.html and it didn't work.

Please, somebody tell me which is the correct way to create the project's
directory in tomcat/webapps and what is the correct URL to start the

Thank you!


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