Sorry for the strange formatting, by the way.  I simply copy-and-
pasted my code.

On Nov 20, 10:58 am, MonkeyMike <> wrote:
> I have some JSNI that the GWT compiler doesn't like...
> ----------------------
>         public static native void declareCustomMoveable(String
> customMoveableId, NativeCustomMoveableCallback callback) /*-{
>                 dojo.declare( customMoveableId, dojox.gfx.Moveable, {
>                         onFirstMove: function(mover){
> callba...@gwtgfx.client.callback.custommoveablecallback::onFirstMove
> ();
>                         },
>                         onMoving: function(mover, shift){
> callba...@gwtgfx.client.callback.custommoveablecallback::onMoving(
> Lgwtgfx/client/definition/jsni/NativeTransformDefinition;
>                                 )(shift);
>                         },
>                         onMoved: function(mover, shift){
> callba...@gwtgfx.client.callback.custommoveablecallback::onMoved(
> Lgwtgfx/client/definition/jsni/NativeTransformDefinition;
>                                 )(shift);
>                         }
>                 });
>         }-*/;
> ----------------------
>    Note that I am using dojo's pattern for "subclassing"
> dojox.gfx.Moveable, and overriding the methods onFirstMove, onMoving,
> and onMoved.  In each of these, there is a call to the relevant method
> from (which is a Java interface, by
> the way).  The GWT compiler is okay with the onFirstMove
> implementation, but for both the onMoving and onMoved implementations,
> I get the following error...
> "Expected a valid parameter type signature in JSNI method reference"
>    Note that I have indicated that "shift" is an instance of a
> NativeTransformDefinition, which is a subclass of JavaScriptObject in
> my library.  Isn't this valid?  I thought that the GWT compiler
> "trusts" the developer to indicate types of objects that come from
> JavaScript, so long as the types are subclasses of JavaScriptObject.
>    So is it just that my syntax is somehow incorrect?  I'm using GWT
> 1.7.  If not, how can I refactor this to achieve a pattern which is
> acceptable to the GWT compiler?
> Thanks in advance! :)


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