Truth is my application *works* with 2.0rc. It's just that most of the
times dev mode is not able to start and I need to try again until it
starts correctly.

I also forgot to mention that Firefox crashes frequently since I
installed the dev plugin. I really cannot believe that this release
has been tagged as "release candidate". It's a beta at best.

On 20 Nov, 18:01, Yozons Support on Gmail <> wrote:
> Upgrading from 1.7 seems fraught with peril.  The docs even suggest that you
> install on a clean install of Eclipse, which is what I did because prior to
> that, my own attempt resulted in much confusion.
> As the gwt.xml, it appears that there was a bug (supposedly fixed for RC 2)
> regarding uppercase characters in the gwt.xml file name.  I went with all
> lowercase letters and it seemed happy.  I also found that I had to add
> -Xms100m to my debug launch param for the JRE VM to avoid module load
> failures.  Hope this helps....


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