Let me digest that since I confess I'm more HTML-oriented than CSS for such

I'm not sure what it means for the "nameAndLabel panel in float: left panel
or position: relative panel" means.  Is this a type of panel that does this
(AbsolutePanel?) or just a CSS option to give a
HorizontalPanel/VerticalPanel/FlexTable/Grid depending on how I'm laying out
the series of input fields with labels.

Also, not sure how this resolves the label-input field since the Label()
object does not appear to emit a <label> tag, just a <div> (or <span> if
it's InnerLabel), and it's generally hard to assign unique IDs to all my
input fields since my popup window that accepts the data is not restricted
to just one at a time (our users often bring up two as they compare or the
like).  So it's easy to name them, but not id them.  In HTML, I could do
this by putting the <input> inside the <label> so they were auto-associated.

I'll give your CSS solution a try and see how that works me as I'm slowly
gaining CSS experience, and wanted to avoid having to do too much in CSS
because GWT resolves many browser-anomalies, so the CSS needs to be basic
enough to work everywhere easily.



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