Can't you just return false for oncontextmenu ?

On Dec 8, 5:01 am, Alexander <> wrote:
> Tried eventPreventDefault?
> 2009/12/5 Rob Tanner <>
> > Hi,
> > I want to add short context specific help messages when users right-
> > click into a text box.  Figuring out what button the pressed on the
> > mouse is a near no-brainer, but how to disable the default browser
> > response is a puzzler.   I've figured out how to disable right clicks
> > all together using the native interface:
> >        public static native void disableContextMenu(Element e) /*-{
> >                e.oncontextmenu = function() { return false; };
> >                }-*/;
> > But then I don't see them either.  All I want is to disable the
> > default context menu so that I can roll my own.  Any ideas?
> > Thanks,
> > Rob
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> Alexander


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