Are you using the Google Plugin for Eclipse? If you are, then it's not
necessary to make any changes to the main class - this is done for you
automatically by the plugin.

What is the URL that you're hitting your application with when you're trying
to debug it? It almost sounds like you're running in Web Mode instead of
Development Mode.

Do you know if your browser has the GWT Developer Plugin installed?

On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Chris <>wrote:

> Hi
> I've set up a brand new Mac with GWT 2.0 running under Eclipse
> according to the instructions at (
> usingeclipse.html), and the template app runs fine. However, when I
> checked my own GWT project that ran fine under GWT 1.7, and followed
> the steps in (
> ReleaseNotes.html#Upgrading), the GWT portion of the app doesn't
> display at all (the static HTML is displayed, just not the GWT part).
> (Note: I have replaced the old style div-based method of including the
> GWT app with the new script-based method; neither works, though.)
> I'm noticing a couple of 404 warnings on the console (indicating that
> "/myprojname/CA786633770B20A7881A4444AE6CBEB6.cache.html", for
> example, can't be found—and indeed it doesn't exist). I guess this
> might have something to do with the problem, but I'm not sure what to
> do about it.
> (One part of the upgrade instructions (link above) that I didn't
> understand was about changing from to
> It's not clear where this should be done
> and I'm not seeing the warning about the former being deprecated,
> anyway.)
> Lastly, I'm using GWTCanvas (I'm using the 1.7 jar), if this makes any
> difference, although no part of my app gets displayed (except for the
> static HTML surrounding the app).
> I'd be really grateful if someone could suggest a way forward.
> Thanks in advance
> —Chris
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