Never mind..I've found a similar question after I posted this...

On 14 dec, 21:20, ntdeaf <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Due to an attempt to use the latest version of GWT (2.0) but failing
> because of my lack of knowledge of  the RPC mechanism, I removed the
> GWT 1.7 plugin from eclipse (galileo). But I rather finish my current
> project first, before I dive in the new GWT version. But now I
> reinstalled ecplipse, but I can only find the new GWT plugin on the
> update site presented by Google. Where can I download the little bit
> older version of GWT 1.7? Or what do I need to do to convince Eclipse
> that GWT 1.7 resides in my /opt/gwt1.7 dir?
> Can anyone give me a shove in the right direction?
> thx!
> NTDeaf


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