Very interesting thread;

One question .. how does using @UiHandler in the View code maintain
MVP? I would like to stick to @UiHandler annotation, but it seems to
me that testing will get hurt. My current thinking is going with
something similar to what Thomas described above.

On Dec 1, 3:33 pm, Dalla <> wrote:
> Lots of good thoughts. Cleaning up the code inside the view sounds
> really nice,
> so I guess I´ll be sticking with UiBinder after all :-)
> Does anyone know any good resources for testing examples using GWT?
> I would be interested in examples using plain JUnit aswell as
> GWTTestCase.
> On 1 Dec, 17:12, uwfrog <> wrote:
> > I found MVP works great with UiBinder. MVP pattern abstracts logic
> > from widget so that most of logic(i.e., calculation, rpc calls) can be
> > mocked and tested in plain junit test cases separately from those have
> > to be run in GWTTestCases. What's left in the V part are now layout
> > code in the widget which usually are lots of messy code with panels,
> > styling, and positioning. UiBinder cleans up the mess with html.
> > On Dec 1, 5:54 am, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> > > On Dec 1, 9:48 am, mariyan nenchev <> wrote:
> > > > Yes, it has nothing to do with MVP. If your team is small and none of 
> > > > them
> > > > are designers i don't see a reason to use uibinder.
> > > We're a small team (4 full-time devs, only 2 of them working on client
> > > code; none of us is designer) and we do use UiBinder for nearly 2
> > > months (2.0 MS1) and find it very useful, and productivity gain!
> > > For best performances (we're targeting IE6, as it's our client's
> > > "company standard", unfortunately), we started doing some screens
> > > using HTMLPanel. UiBinder binder makes the code:
> > >  - easier to read (Eclipse is not good at formatting String
> > > concatenations, much better at formatting XML)
> > >  - faster to write and less error-prone (now that we have auto-
> > > completion and validation for GWT widgets in the Eclipse plugin)
> > >  - easier to understand, because the Java code for the view is simpler
> > > Compared to our "legacy" app (UiBinder is used in a new app, to work
> > > side-by-side with a year-and-half-old GWT app still using widgets the
> > > GWT-1.7-way, without MVP, DI, etc.), the code is much "cleaner" with
> > > UiBinder.
> > > My only fear is that we hit the 31-stylesheets limit of IE, which
> > > might come quite quickly when using CssResource (both "explicitly",
> > > and "automagically" through UiBinder)


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