Hi Folks,

I'm currently sitting with my hair in my hands.

Before I ask my question I'll provide some info on the work I'm doing
related to the question:

I am working on massive(MASSIVE) enterprise GWT[2.0] application.
The app currently consists of 3 java projects of which one is GWT(with
entry point) and the other two are common type of lib's used by the
main GWT app. The app also uses Ext-gwt[GXT]

Now when compiling we use 2.1gig of Xmx and 2m of Xss -> Build Server.
This takes about 30 minutes on our build server(get it now? MASSIVE!)

Righto, so here's the question :

How can I speed up my local machine memory footprint?
I have set the project to compile only one permutation (ie8).
I provide 2m Xss and 1500(+/-) Xmx This still fails with
OutOfMemoryException and I cant provide it with more due to my x86 OS.
With GWT 1.7 i was still able to pull of a build locally albeit slow.

DraftCompile is not an option as I want to do IE performance testing
with gwt 2.0 as well as soyc and runAsync.

On the up side... I do get a partial soyc but i can't pump my war onto
apache because the compile never finishes.
I've read around and it seems i cant split the 3 projects as GWT
compilable modules that work as one.

Any ideas?


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