This isn't so much a java question but a software design question.

There are many ways, or patterns, to accomplish what you're after.
I'd recommend that you read the book Design Patterns to learn more.  I
think what you're after is the Observer pattern.

Good luck!

On Dec 15, 11:01 pm, jax <> wrote:
> HI
> I have a questions about communication in GWT and java in general.
> In an effort to better modularize my application I have made a number
> of different composites.  I then have a main application that links
> together all the composites.
> The problem comes when I need to communicate between composites, for
> example change an image in a composite based on an event in another
> composite.
> They way I have don this now is by passing "this" to every composite
> constructor and saving it as parent.  I also have methods that allow
> me to get the children of a composite.  Then in each composite I have
> a getCompositeParent() method that will allow me to go further down
> the composite tree.
> For example:
> parent.getCompositeParent().getCompositeParent().getNamesComposite
> ().getName().setText("hello");
> This seems a bit unwieldy.  Is this the normal way of doing things in


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