OK I've got a little further now: I've create a new DOMImpl... class
and overridden the eventGetTypeInt(String) method. everything compiles/
runs in hosted mode without errors - but no drag/drop events get
captured - it's like they haven't been added...

Here's my DropEvent class...

public class DropEvent extends DomEvent<DropHandler> {

         * Event type for drop events. Represents the meta-data associated
with this
         * event.
        private static final Type<DropHandler> TYPE = new Type<DropHandler>
                        new DropEvent());

         * Gets the event type associated with drop events.
         * @return the handler type
        public static Type<DropHandler> getType() {
                return TYPE;

         * Protected constructor, use
         * {...@link DomEvent#fireNativeEvent
         * to fire drop events.
        protected DropEvent() {

        public Type<DropHandler> getAssociatedType() {
                return TYPE;

        protected void dispatch(DropHandler handler) {


... is there something I'm missing... and my DOMImpl class:

public class DOMImplMozillaHtml5 extends DOMImplMozillaOld {

          public native int eventGetTypeInt(String eventType) /*-{
            switch (eventType) {
            case "blur": return 0x01000;
            case "change": return 0x00400;
            case "click": return 0x00001;
            case "dblclick": return 0x00002;
            case "focus": return 0x00800;
            case "keydown": return 0x00080;
            case "keypress": return 0x00100;
            case "keyup": return 0x00200;
            case "load": return 0x08000;
            case "losecapture": return 0x02000;
            case "mousedown": return 0x00004;
            case "mousemove": return 0x00040;
            case "mouseout": return 0x00020;
            case "mouseover": return 0x00010;
            case "mouseup": return 0x00008;
            case "scroll": return 0x04000;
            case "error": return 0x10000;
            case "mousewheel": return 0x20000;
            case "DOMMouseScroll": return 0x20000;
            case "contextmenu": return 0x40000;
            case "paste": return 0x80000;
            case "drop": return 0x00001;
            case "dragdrop": return 0x00001;
            case "dragleave": return 0x00001;
            case "dragover": return 0x00001;
            case "dragenter": return 0x00001;


On Dec 31, 12:24 am, DaveC <david.andrew.chap...@googlemail.com>
> OK, From what I have since found out is that *all* the native browser
> events are stored in a JSNI method in the DOMImpl class here
> DOMImpl.eventGetTypeInt(String name)... which is why the exception was
> being thrown (there is no "drop", "dragenter", etc events defined).
> So in order to add the new html5 events I would need to add my own
> DOMImpl class... which I can't seem to do... I appear to be trying to
> accomplish the same task as the person posting 
> herehttp://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/browse_thread/threa...
> This doesn't appear to be possible (or at least simple or obvious or
> documented)...
> Its frustrating for me as I've already written the (few lines of)
> javascript code to do this - I'm using GWT for a project so really I
> need a GWT implementation...
> Do any of the GWT experts have any suggestions??
> On Dec 30, 4:24 pm, DaveC <david.andrew.chap...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > I'm probably not doing this the right way but, I've been trying to
> > extend MouseEvent to support HTML5 Drag and Drop (drag, dragenter,
> > etc. etc.).
> > I've created a:
> > Has...Handlers interface
> > bunch of Handler classes (DropHandler, DragEnterHandler, etc)
> > and a bunch of Event classes that extend MouseEvent (DropEvent,
> > DragEnterEvent, etc).
> > I've also created a DropTarget Widget that implements the
> > Has...Handlers interface which accepts a Widget as a param in its
> > contructor which then calls setElement() passing in widget.getElement
> > ()...
> > I then add this DropTarget to the RootPanel (for testing purposes) in
> > an onModuleLoad.
> > But I'm getting a low level error ("Something other than an int was
> > returned from JSNI method"):
> > com.google.gwt.dev.shell.HostedModeException: Something other than an
> > int was returned from JSNI method
> > '....@com.google.gwt.user.client.impl.domimpl::eventGetTypeInt(Ljava/lang/
> > String;)': JS value of type undefined, expected int
> >     at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.JsValueGlue.getIntRange
> > (JsValueGlue.java:266)
> >     at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.JsValueGlue.get(JsValueGlue.java:144)
> >     at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ModuleSpace.invokeNativeInt
> > (ModuleSpace.java:242)
> >     at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.JavaScriptHost.invokeNativeInt
> > (JavaScriptHost.java:75)
> >     at com.google.gwt.user.client.impl.DOMImpl.eventGetTypeInt
> > (DOMImpl.java)
> >     at com.google.gwt.user.client.Event$.getTypeInt(Event.java:491)
> >     at com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget.addDomHandler(Widget.java:
> > 184)
> >     at
> > com.applegreen.gwt.html5.dnd.client.DropTarget.addDragEnterHandler
> > (DropTarget.java:44)
> >     at com.applegreen.gwt.test.client.DragAndDropTest.onModuleLoad
> > (DragAndDropTest.java:46)
> >     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
> >     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
> >     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
> >     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
> >     at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ModuleSpace.onLoad(ModuleSpace.java:
> > 369)
> >     at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.OophmSessionHandler.loadModule
> > (OophmSessionHandler.java:185)
> >     at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.BrowserChannelServer.processConnection
> > (BrowserChannelServer.java:380)
> >     at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.BrowserChannelServer.run
> > (BrowserChannelServer.java:222)
> >     at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
> > Can anyone shed any light on what I'm doing wrong or what method I
> > should have overidden (I'm not a java programmer btw)??
> > Cheers,
> > Dave


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