On Jan 6, 7:48 am, Jan Ehrhardt <jan.ehrha...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> I didn't try it yet, but a subclass of JavaScriptOject should
> be instantiated by 'GWT.create(Report.class)'. Gin resolves these
> dependencies automatically without any configuration (the same with
> Constants for i18n, ImageBundles, etc.). You can additionally try
> 'bind(Report.class).in(Singleton.class)' (I had problems using Singleton
> annotations in the past).

It won't work. I mean, GWT.create(someJSO.class) won't work. You just
cannot "instantiate" a JSO, though you can eventually cast() a
JavaScriptObject.createObject() or JavaScriptObject.createArray().

> I think, it should work, but even a Factory class that does the
> instantiation an returns a singleton object might be better than using
> native JavaScript to bind it to $wnd object, since it's important to hold
> everything in the GWT 'sandbox'.

Yes, a Provider would be the way to go.

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