Yes, it gets compiled, but as a GWT project, not a Seam project.

Does anybody have any references for adding a GWT form with widgets,
and event handling, to a Seam-Gen created project? Would it be too
much to ask for that doc to use JBoss as the app server? Source code?

*crossing fingers*

On Dec 21 2009, 2:19 am, amicool <>
> Hi,
> If you are using eclipse then you shud create the web project by
> installing gwt plug in. Then add the pojo as per your requirement.
> After gwt plugin installed at eclipse you will find the GWT compiler
> icon left hand top corner.
> the project will get compiled.
> On Dec 20, 6:52 pm, zizou84 <> wrote:
> > hi
> > i would like to start an application withseamand GWT(POJO in my
> > business code and GWT instead of JSF in the web part)
> > i usedseam2.2.0 and GWT 2.0 and eclipse (with GWT plugin)
> > i start by creating theseamapplication and when i would like to see
> > if i can compile it to a GWT application i couldn't
> > ( MyGwtSeamis not a GWT project)
> > i don't know how to start
> > what should i do?
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