On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Yaakov <yaakov.chai...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Just started using GWT 2.0, etc...
> I was successful in deploying the same web app to an external server
> and just added:
> ?gwt.codesvr=localhost:9997
> Eclipse in its "Development Mode" tab showed that FF connected and
> everything is great.
> Now, my real app uses CLIENT-CERT as its authentication method and
> obviously works over SSL. I didn't think there would be any difference
> as the code server is not going through any of that authentication
> while trying to connect back to Eclipse. But no such luck...
> First, Eclipse suspiciously outputs 2 URLs for me to copy:
> http://locahost:8888/MyApp.html?gwt.codesvr=my-local-ip:9997
> http://locahost:8888/authenticationError.jsp?gwt.codesvr=my-local-ip:9997

Not entirely sure what's going on with your auth mechanisms, but if you want
to avoid launching 2 code servers (e.g. MyApp.html and
authenticationError.jsp), you can specify the following in your program

-startupUrl http://localhost:8888/MyApp.html

> Even so, I open up FF and navigate to the real URL, appending the
> gwt.codesvr parameter Eclipse told me about:
> https://locahost/MyApp/MyApp.html?gwt.codesvr=my-local-ip:9997

Did you mean to leave off the port?

> The app loads just fine in the browser and everything works... Except
> that Eclipse doesn't show that anyone connected to its code server.
> Making simple string changes to the code doesn't make it show up in
> the running FF (after a refresh).
> Something tells me that somehow the CLIENT-CERT authentication gets in
> the way.
> Does anyone know what to do about this situation? I can't develop
> without the mode that connects me back to the client java code and I
> can't get rid of the CLIENT-CERT as my server-side code depends on
> being able to pull some info from the certificate to function.
> Please help!
> Thanks,
> Yaakov.
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