Thanks for your feedback, Thomas. It gave me lots of food for thought.
This is new territory for me and so I wanted to explore your
suggestions before responding.

So far, I've been able to get something working using the single
HasSelectionHandlers<String> approach you described. The approach I
took was to have my View:

a) extends Composite
b) implements HasSelectionHandlers<String>
c) can implement addSelectionHandler(...) by simply calling
Widget.addHandler(handler, SelectionEvent.getType()) because Composite
extends Widget
d) inherits an implementation of fireEvent(...) from Widget
c) have various, "targetObject:userAction")
calls throughout my code invoked in response to ClickEvents arising
from "user action" widgets (simple Label)

Does that sound about right?

It's working fine and I can see how I could replace the <String> with
<Pair> in the HasSelectionHandlers<I> interface to improve type safety
and avoid string parsing.

But I'm unclear as to how the "action-specific" strategy (ex.
HasSelectionHandlers<X> getDiscard()) would work in terms of the View
implementation. What would actually be returned to the Presenter? In
other words, what would the SelectionHandler<X> to be added to? There
is no widget that aggregates all of the 'discard' widgets and so I'm
left wondering what would implement the HasSelectionHandlers<X>
interface. A custom collection-type class?

Please let me know if my question has been lost in this admittedly
convoluted phrasing.

Thanks again for your help.

On Jan 11, 5:46 pm, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> On 9 jan, 01:16,JeffIrving<> wrote:
> > Hello everyone.
> > I'm hoping to elicit some suggestions regarding how to apply an MVP
> > design to my particular application. My situation is that I have some
> > tabular model data that includes row-specific user actions (ex.
> > 'discard', 'reprocess', 'submit', etc.) that are ultimately presented
> > as widgets (ex Label) to which action-specific ClickHandlers should be
> > attached. Getting the model into the view has been discussed in other
> > postings and I'm leaning towards passing in the model objects directly
> > rather than having the Presenter decompose them into more generic
> > elements. But I'm totally at a loss as to how the Presenter.Display
> > interface should be structured to retrieve the row-specific user
> > actions in a way that allows me to attach the correct ClickHandler
> > logic.
> We use SelectionEvents in this case. There are several ways to chose
> from:
>  - use an HasSelectionHandler per action where X is either an object's
> identifier or an object itself, we chose to use identifiers):
>    public HasSelectionHandler<X> getDiscard();
>    public HasSelectionHandler<X> getReprocess()
>    ...
>  - use a unique HasSelectionHandler<X> where X is either a String
> composed of the action and the object's identifier (e.g. discard:1,
> reprocess:2, ...) or a Pair object with getAction() and getTargetObject
> ()
> > I've looked at the "Contacts" example and it was very helpful to
> > demonstrate how to determine which row/Contact was clicked. But the
> > same ClickHandler logic is applicable to each row. In my case, each
> > displayed "user action" requires unique processing.
> In our case, the ClickEvent-to-SelectionEvent is handled by the view
> (as well as the row-index-to-item-identifier mapping, which somehow
> breaks the MVP design pattern too), the presenter only deals with
> SelectionEvents.
> You can keep using the Contacts same approach and just add a method to
> retrieved the action too:
>    public int getClickedRow(ClickEvent event);
>    public String getClickedAction(ClickedEvent event);
> or similarly to what I proposed above:
>    public Pair<String,ModelObject> getClickedAction(ClickEvent event);
> where Pair could be a Map.Entry or whatever.
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