
is it possbile to use an own instance of an implementation of the
com.google.gwt.i18n.client.Messages interface inside UI scripts to
resolve message/ constants keys?

This would be necessary for us, due to the creation of the MyMessages
instance is based on a more or less complex generation strategy, based
on deferred binding.

To clarify my example:

interface MyMessages extends Messages{
//my keys..
To instantiate MyMessages I do the following:
MyMessages msgs = ((MyMsgProviderFactory) GWT.create

The concrete MyMsgProviderFactory is determined by several 'replace-
with' declarations in my Main.gwt.xml.
Each concrete factory then knows how to instantiate the required
MyMessages instance, which I want to use in my UiBinder scripts.

So, I use a sort of overlays to generate a user-specific MyMessages
instance, basically working like the following article describes:


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