Ok, you're certainly right, thanx for the answer.

On 15 jan, 15:45, Matt Moriarity <matt.moriar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not sure about this, but I would guess that GWT doesn't actually
> do any code-splitting when in development mode because there isn't
> much point. It's really only useful when you compile.
> On Jan 14, 12:07 pm, mably <fm2...@mably.com> wrote:
> > Oops, sorry...  It's asynchronous, so my list object is most probably
> > always null when I read it.
> > What is strange is why it's not null in development mode
> > Is runAsync running synchronously in dev mode ?
> > On 14 jan, 13:29, mably <fm2...@mably.com> wrote:
> > > Hi everybody,
> > > I have some GWT 2.0 runAsync code that works perfectly fine in dev
> > > mode but fails in normal mode.
> > > Is it a GWT bug or am I doing something wrong ?
> > > Is there some way to identify where the probleme comes from exactly ?
> > > The only information I have is a Chrome Developer Tools javascript
> > > error that says : "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'Lc' of
> > > null".  And nothing in Eclipse while running in dev mode.
> > > Here is my java code using runAsync :
> > > public class GwtListHelper {
> > >         private Map<String, GwtList> lists = new HashMap<String, 
> > > GwtList>();
> > >         public GwtList getList(String type) {
> > >                 GwtList list = lists.get(type);
> > >                 if (list == null) {
> > >                         ListWrapper lw = new ListWrapper();
> > >                         getListAsync(type, lw);
> > >                         list = lw.getList();
> > >                         lists.put(type, list);
> > >                 }
> > >                 return list;
> > >         }
> > >         private void getListAsync(final String type, final ListWrapper 
> > > lw) {
> > >                 if ("user".equals(type)) {
> > >                         GWT.runAsync(new RunAsyncCallback() {
> > >                                 public void onSuccess() {
> > >                                         lw.setList(new UserList());
> > >                                 }
> > >                                 public void onFailure(Throwable reason) {
> > >                                         Window.alert(type + " list not 
> > > loaded !");
> > >                                 }
> > >                         });
> > >                 }
> > >         }
> > >         private class ListWrapper {
> > >                 GwtList list;
> > >                 public void setList(GwtList list) {
> > >                         this.list = list;
> > >                 }
> > >                 public GwtList getList() {
> > >                         return this.list;
> > >                 }
> > >         }
> > > }
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