I'm trying make a sprite from an image from this client bundle: public interface InfoIcons extends ClientBundle { ImageResource medium(); }
My ui.xml looks like this: <ui:with field="icons" type="net.kidux.kastle.commons.client.images.icons.InfoIcons"/> <ui:image field="infoIcon" resource="{icons.medium}"/> <ui:style> @sprite .header { gwt-image: "infoIcon"; } </ui:style> But GWT fails to find the image resource in the client bundle. This is the error messages from the devmode console: 01:30:04,672 [DEBUG] Invoking com.google.gwt.dev.javac.standardgeneratorcont...@46dacd 01:30:04,672 [DEBUG] Preparing method infoIcon 01:30:04,672 [DEBUG] Finding resources 01:30:04,672 [ERROR] No com.google.gwt.resources.client.ClientBundle$Source annotation and no resources found with default extensions I've checked everything twice and things seems to be all right. The medium.png file is located in the same package as the InfoIcons interface. I suspect that what I'm trying to do is not supported by GWT (making sprites from ClientBundles) but I'm not sure. I'm doing exactly what Chris Ramsdale recomments in this post: http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/msg/7c757428b19d11a0 May someone shed some light on this I will appreciate.
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