Hmm... let's say I have a MainPanelView.ui.xml containing...

<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=''
  <g:TabLayoutPanel barUnit='PX' barHeight='30'>
      <g:header>Tab A</g:header>
      <g:DecoratorPanel ui:field="tab_a"></g:DecoratorPanel>
      <g:header>Tab B</g:header>
      <g:DecoratorPanel ui:field="tab_b"></g:DecoratorPanel>

... and a TabAView.ui.xml containing...

<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=''
    <g:Label>Click if you like tab A:</g:Label>
    <g:Button text="Click me, click me! :P" ui:field="button_a"/>

... and a TabBView.ui.xml containing...

<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=''
    <g:Label>Click if you like tab B:</g:Label>
    <g:Button text="Click me, click me! :P" ui:field="button_b"/>

... and then I define a view and a presenter class for each of these
templates... hmm... and then I am kind of stuck!! >D I can make my
AppController call the go method of a MainPanelPresenter object containing
an instance of the MainPanelView object... but don't see where the TabA and
TabB classes get into play................................... argh!
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