I had thought so too but it worked after I cleared my browser's cache
and made sure the edited file was getting to my browser. Also FYI,
recompiling the project replaces the file and reverses any edits.

On Jan 20, 12:50 am, Itzik Yatom <itzik...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I have the same issue, I've tried to change the hosted.html file but
> there is no change.
> Itzik
> On Jan 9, 6:04 pm,Stevko<andy.ste...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've managed to get my application to work in an external iframe by
> > editing the hosted.html file and changing line 226
> > from
> > var topWin = window.top;
> > to
> > var topWin = window.self;
> > This is the context...
> > gwtOnLoad = function(errFn, modName, modBase){
> >   $moduleName = modName;
> >   $moduleBase = modBase;
> >   // Note that the order is important
> >   var pluginFinders = [
> >     findPluginXPCOM,
> >     findPluginObject,
> >     findPluginEmbed,
> >   ];
> >   var topWin = window;
> >   var url = topWin.location.href;
> >   if (!topWin.__gwt_SessionID) {
> > On Jan 8, 10:25 pm,Stevko<andy.ste...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Has anyone had any success with using the GWT 2.0 browser plugins when
> > > the app is hosted within a facebook iframe canvas? The application
> > > works well without the plugins loaded.
> > > I believe the issue is related to the XSS / same domain policy that is
> > > missing in the old 1.7 hosted IE browser.
> > > Using the Web App Starter Project, the execution stops after painting
> > > "Please enter your name:"
> > > Chrome just alerts "Plugin failed to connect to hosted mode server at
> > > myhost.webhop.org:9997" and dies with this message in the javascript
> > > console:
> > > Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with 
> > > URLhttp://apps.facebook.com/myappname/?_fb_q=1fromframewith 
> > > URLhttp://myhost.webhop.org:8080/newproject/hosted.html?newproject.
> > > Domains, protocols and ports must match.
> > > Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'createElement' of undefined
> > > Firebug flags a javascript error at
> > > Permission denied for <http://myhost.webhop.org:8080> to get property
> > > Location.href from <http://facebook.com>.
> > > anonymous(Object name=errFn, "newproject", "http://myhost.webhop.org:
> > > 8080/newproject/")hosted.h...ewproject (line 227)
> > > z()newproje...ocache.js (line 2)
> > > anonymous()newproje...ocache.js (line 8)
> > > [Break on this error] var url = topWin.location.href;\n
> > > Has anyone figured out a way to get this to work?
> > > --Andy- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

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