GWT Query isn't entirely compatible with IE8 anyway (there are several
open issues about this on the project's site).

For my project, the only part of JQuery I absolutely needed (read:
there are not alternative options in GWT itself) was the CSS selector
engine. Since GWT-Query provides JQuery functionality, and JQuery's
CSS selection engine is entirely taken from Sizzle (a Dojo project!),
you can simply include the Sizzle engine into your project (use script
injection in the module descriptor). You can then write native methods
to interact with Sizzle and accomplish (nearly) anything you could
have done with GWT-Query.

Maybe if I have some time this weekend (and I don't find one already
done) I'll create a GWT library that wraps and implements Sizzle
bindings for Java...

On Jan 22, 10:07 am, Deanna Bonds <> wrote:
> I asked that about a week ago.  There are no current plans for it.
> On Jan 22, 6:47 am, Johan Rydberg <> wrote:
> > Any comments on when gwt query will be integrated with GWT?

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