Not to ask a dumb question but why does it work when I run it
through the GWT plugin and not when I move it to glassfish? I really
want the same code to run in both places.
My application is called ADT which is also the name of my "google
script" folder. I have servlets mapped to the extension /adt/

It is reachable in eclipse when I run it through google's run as web
app. It does not work when I make it a web app and run it through
glass fish.

The servlet exists at http://localhost:8080/ADTR/adt/fileUpload. I can
reach it via inpuing this URL in tha address bar.
However the system when it attempts to reach out via FormPanel to
action "/adt/MyServlet" goes to someplace else, apprently localhost:

I was able to hack this by setting the FormPanel action to "/ADTR/adt/
MyServlet" but now it doesn't work in eclipse. I can't have 2
different versions of the software running or my bugs
will go through the roof. Can anyone suggest a way to fix this so the
same links work on both boxes? That's why I tried to make them
relative to begin with.

Thanks in advance

On Jan 22, 12:36 pm, DaveC <>
> Note the first forward slash in your image url - this points to the
> root of your server and not /appname/...
> Cheers,
> Dave
> On Jan 22, 4:41 pm, darkling <> wrote:
> > I'm trying to add icons to my application. Everything worked fine when
> > I ran in the google browser but now that I've published the system to
> > my dev server (its Sun Application server 9.1) the icons are all
> > missing. I'm also noticing that any servlets I try to access via HTTP
> > (FormPanels) rather than RPC also come up as 404s. My RPC servlets
> > work fine.
> > The icons I'm trying to access are the grid icons from EXT-GWT which
> > always worked fine up until now. I packaged up my war and dropped it
> > into the autodeploy in Glassfish just as I always would but now the
> > links aren't working. Am I doing something wrong for GWT?
> > My war structure is
> > /images
> > /appName (with all the GWT JS files)
> > appName.html
> > gxt-grey.css
> > gxt-all.css
> > I'm trying to access
> >  .x-grid3-dirty-cell {
> >     background-image:url(/images/default/grid/dirty.gif);
> > }
> > which isn't working.
> > When I try to input the URL
> >http://localhost:8080/appName/images/default/grid/dirty.gif
> > The icon appears.
> > Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
> > Thanks- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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