
I actually got lost at the part where you said that you disable the google appengine server. It doesn't make sense, because if you intend to deploy your application to an application server not equal to GAE you must disable GAE support on your eclipse project. In fact, when you create a GAE project, eclipse copies in your "WEB-INF/lib" jars that I'm 200% sure that would override some of the tomcat's classes.

So, try disabling GAE support for your eclipse project and try again. Also make sure that in "WEB-INF/lib" you have gwt-servlet.jar


On 01/25/2010 11:49 PM, Bob Luo wrote:

I am actually experimenting with GWT to replace our UI. (We actually
use struts)  I like GWT a lot so far.

I thus pushed the experiment further by trying to integrate it in our
solutions.  I must work within a few parameters set by my employer.
Among those, it must be possible for my team to debug/trace GWT stuff
(Take advantage of the devmode) but while the main application still
runs in tomcat 5.5.26. (-noserver switch).  All of this inside the
same Eclipse.

I came close to get this to work, really close, but here's my problem:
The tomcat ClassLoader loads tomcat classes found in gwt-dev.jar
instead of reading its own jar files.  If both those tomcats (Mine and
GWT's) were of the same version, I would probably not even know
there's a problem.

This is how i am set up:

1. I have a tomcat installed outside of my project, say, d:/
2. I have an eclipse project which was created fully by the GWT
wizard. (say, d:/projects/myproject)
3. I activated the AJDT builder in this project.
Up until here, everything works great, but inside Google App Engine.
(no -noserver switch)

4. I deactivate the Google App Engine (add the -noserver switch)
5. I create a server.xml inside my project, rig everything up
6. I create a Run Configuration this way:
     6a. Main class: org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap
     6b. Working directory: d:/tomcat-5.5.26/bin
7. I add bootstrap.jar in the classpath of my project.

I try to launch it, bang problems arise because of the mixup.  I tried
tampering with the classpath in my Run Configuration to eliminate GWT,
and my tomcat loads allright.  (Obviously the GWT classes on the
server-side fail to load since they extend RemoteService, which,
without GWT jars, is not found of course)

I suppose that if the tomcat jars were earlier in the classpath, I
would not have this problem?

A solution for me to try would be to open gwt-dev.jar and erase tomcat
classes.  I don't like this solution.  Would it even work?  Is there a
better way?

Thanks a lot!

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