Thanks for all the replies people, but I'm still kinda lost. I'm actually
making a Drag and Drop E-Commerce website using GWT for a school project, I
got kinda stuck because previously I had first completed my website before
implementing GWT in. Without GWT, I called out my product information from a
DAO using Struts then putting the extracted details into an ArrayList before
putting it into a Session.

I then use the Struts Iterate logic to display on my webpage easily, since
now my displaying of products is to be called by GWT, I cannot retrieve
session using GWT file, or is there a way to do so? All I can think of is
using RPC then using Client-Server to call my DAO then bringing it to GWT.

Kinda lost here already, I'm using Netbeans 6.7, GWT 1.7.1, GWT Drag and
Drop as well as MySQL with HeidiSQL.

Hope to hear from you guys soon. Thanks!

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