This is my dirty solution:

<!-- To solve a Popup bug in IE7                                                
<!-- the code doesn't works anymore on IE6                                      
<replace-with class="">
        <when-type-is class=""/>
        <when-property-is name="user.agent" value="ie6" />

but you have to drop IE6 support.

On 2 Feb, 08:41, hriess <> wrote:
> Is there in the meantime a solution for this problem? I am using a
> DockLayoutPanel for the layout of the application. A SuggestBox (and
> other PopupPanels) blanks the complete screen in IE7. After upgrade to
> GWT 2.0, UiBinder and LayoutPanels I haven't tested my application
> with IE7 for a long time. Have I to go back in time and check out a
> rather old SVN version of my application?
> Thank you
> Holger

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